



A mysterious girl who calls herself "Prinzessin der Verurteilung" and travels with a night raven named Oz.

Talent Book




Spirit Locket of Boreas

Ascension Materials

Vajrada Amethyst Fragment
Lightning Prism
Small Lamp Grass
Firm Arrowhead
ASC LVL HP ATK DEF CRIT Rate CRIT DMG ATK% Ascension Materials
0 1 770 20 50 5% 50% 0%
20 1979 53 128 5% 50% 0%
1 20 2555 68 165 5% 50% 0% Vajrada Amethyst Sliver 1 Small Lamp Grass 3 Firm Arrowhead 3 mora 20,000
40 3827 102 247 5% 50% 0%
2 40 4236 113 274 5% 50% 6% Vajrada Amethyst Fragment 3 Lightning Prism 2 Small Lamp Grass 10 Firm Arrowhead 15 mora 40,000
50 4872 130 315 5% 50% 6%
3 50 5418 144 350 5% 50% 12% Vajrada Amethyst Fragment 6 Lightning Prism 4 Small Lamp Grass 20 Sharp Arrowhead 12 mora 60,000
60 6054 161 391 5% 50% 12%
4 60 6463 172 418 5% 50% 12% Vajrada Amethyst Chunk 3 Lightning Prism 8 Small Lamp Grass 30 Sharp Arrowhead 18 mora 80,000
70 7099 189 459 5% 50% 12%
5 70 7508 200 485 5% 50% 18% Vajrada Amethyst Chunk 6 Lightning Prism 12 Small Lamp Grass 45 Weathered Arrowhead 12 mora 100,000
80 8144 216 526 5% 50% 18%
6 80 8553 227 553 5% 50% 24% Vajrada Amethyst Gemstone 6 Lightning Prism 20 Small Lamp Grass 60 Weathered Arrowhead 24 mora 120,000
90 9189 244 594 5% 50% 24%


Elemental Burst and Skill both summon Oz, so make sure you're only using one at a time. Start with your Skill, use Burst for second Oz rotation and alternate. Hopefully, by the time your second/third round of Oz summoning is over, you'll have gained enough energy to repeat the loop. Regarding Weapon Choices: In general, Fischl's rankings depend significantly on the refinements of her weapons. For more detailed numbers, see the Google Sheet here. Alley Hunter: At [R5] this weapon can be similar in performance to Skyward Harp and Thundering Pulse. The Stringless: At [R5] this weapon can be stronger than Amos' Bow / Alley Hunter [R1] / The Viridescent Hunt. This difference is enlarged in teams where Fischl can find herself triggering reactions. Prototype Crescent: If you can consistently hit a weakpoint on an enemy before summoning Oz, this weapon performs better than Fading Twilight. Regarding Artifact Sets: Thundersoother (4): This artifact set will outperform +18% ATK set (2) Thundering Fury (2) if used in a team comp where an Electro aura is always present (e.g. Electro/Electro-charged comps) therefore it is highly recommended within this niche. Tenacity of the Millelith (4): This set trades off a portion of Fischl's damage in return for a party wide 20% ATK buff. If you have good pieces as a result of farming Pale Flame (for Eula or otherwise) this can be a good option for her in specific teams. Fischl can benefit from the 20% ATK buff herself if she summons Oz within 3 seconds of his previous attack. Not recommended to specifically farm this set for Fischl.





Electro DMG


Crit Rate / DMG


1. Crit Rate / DMG

2. ATK%

3. Energy Recharge

4. Elemental Mastery

5. Flat ATK






Polar Star

Polar Star


Aqua Simulacra

Aqua Simulacra


Skyward Harp

Skyward Harp


Thundering Pulse

Thundering Pulse


Amos' Bow

Amos' Bow


Alley Hunter

Alley Hunter


The Viridescent Hunt

The Viridescent Hunt


Elegy for the End

Elegy for the End


Fading Twilight

Fading Twilight


The Stringless

The Stringless


Prototype Crescent

Prototype Crescent

Community Character Builds by the Genshin Helper Team
Normal Attack: Bolts of Downfall

Normal Attack: Bolts of Downfall

Normal Attack
Perform up to 5 consecutive shots with a bow.

Charged Attack
Perform a more precise Aimed Shot with increased DMG.
While aiming, the dark lightning spirits of Immernachtreich shall heed the call of their Prinzessin and indwell the enchanted arrowhead. When fully indwelt, the Rachsüchtig Blitz shall deal immense Electro DMG.

Plunging Attack
Fires off a shower of arrows in mid-air before falling and striking the ground, dealing AoE DMG upon impact.



Summons Oz. The night raven forged of darkness and lightning descends upon the land, dealing Electro DMG in a small AoE.
For the ability's duration, Oz will continuously attack nearby opponents with Freikugel.

Hold to adjust the location Oz will be summoned to.
Press again any time during the ability's duration to once again summon him to Fischl's side.

"My time is most precious, and I shall not waste it on the likes of you... Go, Oz, fall upon them, and bring down upon them your Rachsüchtig Blitz, that which tears open the long night."
—Flowers for Princess Fischl (IV): Farewell Frau Welt

Midnight Phantasmagoria

Midnight Phantasmagoria

Summons Oz to spread his twin wings of twilight and defend Fischl.
Has the following properties during the ability's duration:
- Fischl takes on Oz's form, greatly increasing her Movement Speed.
- Strikes nearby opponents with lightning, dealing Electro DMG to opponents she comes into contact with. Each opponent can only be struck once.
- Once this ability's effects end, Oz will remain on the battlefield and attack his Prinzessin's foes. If Oz is already on the field, then this will reset the duration of his presence.

"...In the hordes of beasts that follow the cursed blood, only Prince Nachtraben, who bore witness to the extinction of a thousand worlds, knows her true greatness. Thus the night wings he spreads are his eternal promise to protect Her Royal Highness."
—Flowers for Princess Fischl (I): End Time Zersetzung

Passive Talents

Stellar Predator

Stellar Predator

When Fischl hits Oz with a fully-charged Aimed Shot, Oz brings down Thundering Retribution, dealing AoE Electro DMG equal to 152.7% of the arrow's DMG.

Undone Be Thy Sinful Hex

Undone Be Thy Sinful Hex

If your current active character triggers an Electro-related Elemental Reaction when Oz is on the field, the opponent shall be stricken with Thundering Retribution, dealing Electro DMG equal to 80% of Fischl's ATK.

Mein Hausgarten

Mein Hausgarten

When dispatched on an expedition in Mondstadt, time consumed is reduced by 25%.

Gaze of the Deep

Gaze of the Deep

Even when Oz is not present in combat, he can still watch over Fischl through his raven eyes. When Fischl performs a Normal Attack against an opponent, Oz fires a joint attack, dealing DMG equal to 22% of Fischl's ATK.

Devourer of All Sins

Devourer of All Sins

When Nightrider is used, it deals an additional 200% ATK as DMG, and its AoE is increased by 50%.

Wings of Nightmare

Wings of Nightmare

Increases the Level of Nightrider by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Her Pilgrimage of Bleak

Her Pilgrimage of Bleak

When Midnight Phantasmagoria is used, it deals 222% of ATK as Electro DMG to surrounding opponents.
When the skill duration ends, Fischl regenerates 20% of her HP.

Against the Fleeing Light

Against the Fleeing Light

Increases the Level of Midnight Phantasmagoria by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Evernight Raven

Evernight Raven

Extends the duration of Oz's presence on the field by 2s. Additionally, Oz performs joint attacks with your active character when present, dealing 30% of Fischl's ATK as Electro DMG.

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