
Dragon's Bane



A polearm decorated with an entwining golden dragon. Light and sharp, this weapon may very well kill dragons with ease.

Bane of Flame and Water

Increases DMG against opponents affected by Hydro or Pyro by 20%/24%/28%/32%/36%.

Dragon's Bane
ASC LVL Base ATK Elemental Mastery Ascension Materials
0 1 41 48
5 57 56
10 72 65
15 87 75
20 99 85
1 20 125 85 Mist Veiled Lead Elixir 3 Mist Grass Pollen 3 Divining Scroll 2 mora 5,000
25 140 95
30 155 104
35 169 114
40 184 124
2 40 210 124 Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir 3 Mist Grass Pollen 12 Divining Scroll 8 mora 15,000
45 224 133
50 238 143
3 50 264 143 Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir 6 Mist Grass 6 Sealed Scroll 6 mora 20,000
55 278 153
60 293 162
4 60 319 162 Mist Veiled Gold Elixir 3 Mist Grass 12 Sealed Scroll 9 mora 30,000
65 333 172
70 347 182
5 70 373 182 Mist Veiled Gold Elixir 6 Mist Grass Wick 9 Forbidden Curse Scroll 6 mora 35,000
75 387 191
80 401 201
6 80 427 201 Mist Veiled Primo Elixir 4 Mist Grass Wick 18 Forbidden Curse Scroll 12 mora 45,000
85 440 211
90 454 221

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