
End of the Line


fishing trade

This seems to be a now-extinct fish. Its body is sufficiently elastic that a string may be attached to it to let it serve as a bow.

Net Snapper

Triggers the Flowrider effect after using an Elemental Skill, dealing 80%/100%/120%/140%/160% ATK as AoE DMG upon hitting an opponent with an attack. Flowrider will be removed after 15s or after causing 3 instances of AoE DMG. Only 1 instance of AoE DMG can be caused every 2s in this way. Flowrider can be triggered once every 12s.

Recommended Characters

End of the Line
ASC LVL Base ATK Energy Recharge Ascension Materials
0 1 42 10%
5 60 11.6%
10 77 13.6%
15 95 15.7%
20 109 17.7%
1 20 135 17.7% Echo of Scorching Might 3 Inactivated Fungal Nucleus 3 Fungal Spores 2 mora 5,000
25 152 19.7%
30 170 21.7%
35 187 23.7%
40 205 25.8%
2 40 231 25.8% Remnant Glow of Scorching Might 3 Inactivated Fungal Nucleus 12 Fungal Spores 8 mora 15,000
45 248 27.8%
50 266 29.8%
3 50 292 29.8% Remnant Glow of Scorching Might 6 Dormant Fungal Nucleus 6 Luminescent Pollen 6 mora 20,000
55 309 31.8%
60 327 33.8%
4 60 353 33.8% Dream of Scorching Might 3 Dormant Fungal Nucleus 12 Luminescent Pollen 9 mora 30,000
65 370 35.9%
70 388 37.9%
5 70 414 37.9% Dream of Scorching Might 6 Robust Fungal Nucleus 9 Crystalline Cyst Dust 6 mora 35,000
75 431 39.9%
80 449 41.9%
6 80 475 41.9% Olden Days of Scorching Might 4 Robust Fungal Nucleus 18 Crystalline Cyst Dust 12 mora 45,000
85 492 43.9%
90 510 45.9%

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