
Fading Twilight


event exclusive

A precious bow made of platinum, inlaid with an orb that shimmers with the light of eventide.

Radiance of the Deeps

Has three states, Evengleam, Afterglow, and Dawnblaze, which increase DMG dealt by (6%/10%/14%)/(7.5%/12.5%/17.5%)/(9%/15%/21%)/(10.5%/17.5%/24.5%)/(12%/20%/28%) respectively. When attacks hit opponents, this weapon will switch to the next state. This weapon can change states once every 7s. The character equipping this weapon can still trigger the state switch while not on the field.

Fading Twilight
ASC LVL Base ATK Energy Recharge Ascension Materials
0 1 44 6.7%
5 63 7.7%
10 83 9.1%
15 103 10.4%
20 119 11.8%
1 20 144 11.8% Grain of Aerosiderite 3 Hunter's Sacrificial Knife 3 Divining Scroll 2 mora 5,000
25 165 13.1%
30 185 14.5%
35 205 15.8%
40 226 17.2%
2 40 252 17.2% Piece of Aerosiderite 3 Hunter's Sacrificial Knife 12 Divining Scroll 8 mora 15,000
45 273 18.5%
50 293 19.9%
3 50 319 19.9% Piece of Aerosiderite 6 Agent's Sacrificial Knife 6 Sealed Scroll 6 mora 20,000
55 340 21.2%
60 361 22.6%
4 60 387 22.6% Bit of Aerosiderite 3 Agent's Sacrificial Knife 12 Sealed Scroll 9 mora 30,000
65 408 23.9%
70 429 25.2%
5 70 455 25.2% Bit of Aerosiderite 6 Inspector's Sacrificial Knife 9 Forbidden Curse Scroll 6 mora 35,000
75 476 26.6%
80 497 27.9%
6 80 523 27.9% Chunk of Aerosiderite 4 Inspector's Sacrificial Knife 18 Forbidden Curse Scroll 12 mora 45,000
85 544 29.3%
90 565 30.6%

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