
Jadefall's Splendor



A ritual vessel carved from jade that reflects the luster of the skies and the clear waters.

Primordial Jade Regalia

For 3s after using an Elemental Burst or creating a shield, the equipping character can gain the Primordial Jade Regalia effect: Restore 4.5/5/5.5/6/6.5 Energy every 2.5s, and gain 0.3%/0.5%/0.7%/0.9%/1.1% Elemental DMG Bonus for their corresponding Elemental Type for every 1,000 Max HP they possess, up to 12%/20%/28%/36%/44%. Primordial Jade Regalia will still take effect even if the equipping character is not on the field.

Recommended Characters

Jadefall's Splendor
ASC LVL Base ATK HP Ascension Materials
0 1 46 10.8%
5 66 12.5%
10 86 14.7%
15 106 16.9%
20 122 19.1%
1 20 153 19.1% Luminous Sands from Guyun 5 A Flower Yet to Bloom 5 Fungal Spores 3 mora 10,000
25 173 21.3%
30 194 23.4%
35 214 25.6%
40 235 27.8%
2 40 266 27.8% Lustrous Stone from Guyun 5 A Flower Yet to Bloom 18 Fungal Spores 12 mora 20,000
45 287 30%
50 308 32.2%
3 50 340 32.2% Lustrous Stone from Guyun 9 Treasured Flower 9 Luminescent Pollen 9 mora 30,000
55 361 34.4%
60 382 36.5%
4 60 414 36.5% Relic from Guyun 5 Treasured Flower 18 Luminescent Pollen 14 mora 45,000
65 435 38.7%
70 457 40.9%
5 70 488 40.9% Relic from Guyun 9 Wanderer's Blooming Flower 14 Crystalline Cyst Dust 9 mora 55,000
75 510 43.1%
80 532 45.3%
6 80 563 45.3% Divine Body from Guyun 6 Wanderer's Blooming Flower 27 Crystalline Cyst Dust 18 mora 65,000
85 586 47.4%
90 608 49.6%

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