
Lithic Spear



A spear forged from the rocks of the Guyun Stone Forest. Its hardness knows no equal.

Lithic Axiom: Unity

For every character in the party who hails from Liyue, the character who equips this weapon gains a 7%/8%/9%/10%/11% ATK increase and a 3%/4%/5%/6%/7% CRIT Rate increase. This effect stacks up to 4 times.

Lithic Spear
ASC LVL Base ATK ATK Ascension Materials
0 1 44 6%
5 63 7%
10 83 8.2%
15 103 9.4%
20 119 10.6%
1 20 144 10.6% Grain of Aerosiderite 3 Fragile Bone Shard 3 Firm Arrowhead 2 mora 5,000
25 165 11.8%
30 185 13%
35 205 14.2%
40 226 15.5%
2 40 252 15.5% Piece of Aerosiderite 3 Fragile Bone Shard 12 Firm Arrowhead 8 mora 15,000
45 273 16.7%
50 293 17.9%
3 50 319 17.9% Piece of Aerosiderite 6 Sturdy Bone Shard 6 Sharp Arrowhead 6 mora 20,000
55 340 19.1%
60 361 20.3%
4 60 387 20.3% Bit of Aerosiderite 3 Sturdy Bone Shard 12 Sharp Arrowhead 9 mora 30,000
65 408 21.5%
70 429 22.7%
5 70 455 22.7% Bit of Aerosiderite 6 Fossilized Bone Shard 9 Weathered Arrowhead 6 mora 35,000
75 476 23.9%
80 497 25.1%
6 80 523 25.1% Chunk of Aerosiderite 4 Fossilized Bone Shard 18 Weathered Arrowhead 12 mora 45,000
85 544 26.4%
90 565 27.6%

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