
Luxurious Sea-Lord


Moonlight Merriment Event

The great king of the ocean. Having been air-dried, it makes for a fine weapon as well as emergency sustenance.

Oceanic Victory

Increases Elemental Burst DMG by 12%/15%/18%/21%/24%. When Elemental Burst hits opponents, there is a 100% chance of summoning a huge onrush of tuna that deals 100%/125%/150%/175%/200% ATK as AoE DMG. This effect can occur once every 15s.

Luxurious Sea-Lord
ASC LVL Base ATK ATK Ascension Materials
0 1 41 12%
5 57 13.9%
10 72 16.4%
15 87 18.8%
20 99 21.2%
1 20 125 21.2% Grain of Aerosiderite 3 Fragile Bone Shard 3 Slime Condensate 2 mora 5,000
25 140 23.6%
30 155 26.1%
35 169 28.5%
40 184 30.9%
2 40 210 30.9% Piece of Aerosiderite 3 Fragile Bone Shard 12 Slime Condensate 8 mora 15,000
45 224 33.3%
50 238 35.7%
3 50 264 35.7% Piece of Aerosiderite 6 Sturdy Bone Shard 6 Slime Secretions 6 mora 20,000
55 278 38.2%
60 293 40.6%
4 60 319 40.6% Bit of Aerosiderite 3 Sturdy Bone Shard 12 Slime Secretions 9 mora 30,000
65 333 43%
70 347 45.4%
5 70 373 45.4% Bit of Aerosiderite 6 Fossilized Bone Shard 9 Slime Concentrate 6 mora 35,000
75 387 47.9%
80 401 50.3%
6 80 427 50.3% Chunk of Aerosiderite 4 Fossilized Bone Shard 18 Slime Concentrate 12 mora 45,000
85 440 52.7%
90 454 55.1%

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