
Mistsplitter Reforged



A sword that blazes with a fierce violet light. The name "Reforged" comes from it having been broken once before.

Mistsplitter's Edge

Gain a 12%/15%/18%/21%/24% Elemental DMG Bonus for all elements and receive the might of the Mistsplitter's Emblem. At stack levels 1/2/3, the Mistsplitter's Emblem provides a (8/16/28%)/(10/20/35%)/(12/24/42%)/(14/28/49%)/(16/32/56%) Elemental DMG Bonus for the character's Elemental Type. The character will obtain 1 stack of Mistsplitter's Emblem in each of the following scenarios: Normal Attack deals Elemental DMG (stack lasts 5s), casting Elemental Burst (stack lasts 10s); Energy is less than 100% (stack disappears when Energy is full). Each stack's duration is calculated independently.

Mistsplitter Reforged
ASC LVL Base ATK CRIT DMG Ascension Materials
0 1 48 9.6%
5 69 11.2%
10 92 13.1%
15 115 15%
20 133 17%
1 20 164 17% Coral Branch of a Distant Sea 5 Chaos Gear 5 Old Handguard 3 mora 10,000
25 188 18.9%
30 212 20.8%
35 236 22.8%
40 261 24.7%
2 40 292 24.7% Jeweled Branch of a Distant Sea 5 Chaos Gear 18 Old Handguard 12 mora 20,000
45 316 26.7%
50 341 28.6%
3 50 373 28.6% Jeweled Branch of a Distant Sea 9 Chaos Axis 9 Kageuchi Handguard 9 mora 30,000
55 398 30.5%
60 423 32.5%
4 60 455 32.5% Jade Branch of a Distant Sea 5 Chaos Axis 18 Kageuchi Handguard 14 mora 45,000
65 480 34.4%
70 506 36.3%
5 70 537 36.3% Jade Branch of a Distant Sea 9 Chaos Oculus 14 Famed Handguard 9 mora 55,000
75 563 38.3%
80 590 40.2%
6 80 621 40.2% Golden Branch of a Golden Sea 6 Chaos Oculus 27 Famed Handguard 18 mora 65,000
85 648 42.2%
90 674 44.1%

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