
Skyward Pride



A claymore that symbolizes the pride of Dvalin soaring through the skies. When swung, it emits a deep hum as the full force of Dvalin's command of the sky and the wind is unleashed.

Sky-ripping Dragon Spine

Increases all DMG by 8%/10%/12%/14%/16%. After using an Elemental Burst, a vacuum blade that does 80%/100%/120%/140%/160% of ATK as DMG to opponents along its path will be created when Normal or Charged Attacks hit. Lasts for 20s or 8 vacuum blades.

Skyward Pride
ASC LVL Base ATK Energy Recharge Ascension Materials
0 1 48 8%
5 69 9.3%
10 92 10.9%
15 115 12.5%
20 133 14.1%
1 20 164 14.1% Boreal Wolf's Milk Tooth 5 Dead Ley Line Branch 5 Slime Condensate 3 mora 10,000
25 188 15.8%
30 212 17.4%
35 236 19%
40 261 20.6%
2 40 292 20.6% Boreal Wolf's Cracked Tooth 5 Dead Ley Line Branch 18 Slime Condensate 12 mora 20,000
45 316 22.2%
50 341 23.8%
3 50 373 23.8% Boreal Wolf's Cracked Tooth 9 Dead Ley Line Leaves 9 Slime Secretions 9 mora 30,000
55 398 25.4%
60 423 27.1%
4 60 455 27.1% Boreal Wolf's Broken Fang 5 Dead Ley Line Leaves 18 Slime Secretions 14 mora 45,000
65 480 28.7%
70 506 30.3%
5 70 537 30.3% Boreal Wolf's Broken Fang 9 Ley Line Sprouts 14 Slime Concentrate 9 mora 55,000
75 563 31.9%
80 590 33.5%
6 80 621 33.5% Boreal Wolf's Nostalgia 6 Ley Line Sprouts 27 Slime Concentrate 18 mora 65,000
85 648 35.1%
90 674 36.8%

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