
Staff of the Scarlet Sands



One of a paired set of scepters fashioned from obsidian. Legend has it that these staves grant the right to lead the people of the desert, but no retainer now lives who can verify the proper appearance of these regalia.

Heat Haze at Horizon's End

The equipping character gains 52%/65%/78%/91%/104% of their Elemental Mastery as bonus ATK. When an Elemental Skill hits opponents, the Dream of the Scarlet Sands effect will be gained for 10s: The equipping character will gain 28%/35%/42%/49%/56% of their Elemental Mastery as bonus ATK. Max 3 stacks.

Staff of the Scarlet Sands
ASC LVL Base ATK CRIT Rate Ascension Materials
0 1 44 9.6%
5 62 11.2%
10 79 13.1%
15 96 15%
20 110 17%
1 20 141 17% Oasis Garden's Reminiscence 5 Chaos Storage 5 Fungal Spores 3 mora 10,000
25 158 18.9%
30 176 20.8%
35 193 22.8%
40 210 24.7%
2 40 241 24.7% Oasis Garden's Kindness 5 Chaos Storage 18 Fungal Spores 12 mora 20,000
45 258 26.7%
50 275 28.6%
3 50 307 28.6% Oasis Garden's Kindness 9 Chaos Module 9 Luminescent Pollen 9 mora 30,000
55 324 30.5%
60 341 32.5%
4 60 373 32.5% Oasis Garden's Mourning 5 Chaos Module 18 Luminescent Pollen 14 mora 45,000
65 390 34.4%
70 408 36.3%
5 70 439 36.3% Oasis Garden's Mourning 9 Chaos Bolt 14 Crystalline Cyst Dust 9 mora 55,000
75 457 38.3%
80 475 40.2%
6 80 506 40.2% Oasis Garden's Truth 6 Chaos Bolt 27 Crystalline Cyst Dust 18 mora 65,000
85 524 42.2%
90 542 44.1%

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