
The Bell



A heavy greatsword. A clock is embedded within it, though its internal mechanisms have long been damaged.

Rebellious Guardian

Taking DMG generates a shield which absorbs DMG up to 20%/23%/26%/29%/32% of Max HP. This shield lasts for 10s or until broken, and can only be triggered once every 45/45/45/45/45s. While protected by a shield, the character gains 12%/15%/18%/21%/24% increased DMG.

The Bell
ASC LVL Base ATK HP Ascension Materials
0 1 42 9%
5 60 10.5%
10 77 12.3%
15 95 14.1%
20 109 15.9%
1 20 135 15.9% Tile of Decarabian's Tower 3 Heavy Horn 3 Whopperflower Nectar 2 mora 5,000
25 152 17.7%
30 170 19.5%
35 187 21.4%
40 205 23.2%
2 40 231 23.2% Debris of Decarabian's City 3 Heavy Horn 12 Whopperflower Nectar 8 mora 15,000
45 248 25%
50 266 26.8%
3 50 292 26.8% Debris of Decarabian's City 6 Black Bronze Horn 6 Shimmering Nectar 6 mora 20,000
55 309 28.6%
60 327 30.4%
4 60 353 30.4% Fragment of Decarabian's Epic 3 Black Bronze Horn 12 Shimmering Nectar 9 mora 30,000
65 370 32.3%
70 388 34.1%
5 70 414 34.1% Fragment of Decarabian's Epic 6 Black Crystal Horn 9 Energy Nectar 6 mora 35,000
75 431 35.9%
80 449 37.7%
6 80 475 37.7% Scattered Piece of Decarabian's Dream 4 Black Crystal Horn 18 Energy Nectar 12 mora 45,000
85 492 39.5%
90 510 41.3%

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