
The Dockhand's Assistant



A convenient cutting tool that you can rarely find nowadays. You can replace the blades as they are dulled by usage.

Sea Shanty

When the wielder is healed or heals others, they will gain a Stoic's Symbol that lasts 30s, up to a maximum of 3 Symbols. When using their Elemental Skill or Burst, all Symbols will be consumed and the Roused effect will be granted for 10s. For each Symbol consumed, gain 40/50/60/70/80 Elemental Mastery, and 2s after the effect occurs, 2/2.5/3/3.5/4 Energy per Symbol consumed will be restored for said character. The Roused effect can be triggered once every 15s, and Symbols can be gained even when the character is not on the field.

The Dockhand's Assistant
ASC LVL Base ATK HP Ascension Materials
0 1 42 9%
5 60 10.5%
10 77 12.3%
15 95 14.1%
20 109 15.9%
1 20 135 15.9% Dross of Pure Sacred Dewdrop 3 Old Operative's Pocket Watch 3 Transoceanic Pearl 2 mora 5,000
25 152 17.7%
30 170 19.5%
35 187 21.4%
40 205 23.2%
2 40 231 23.2% Sublimation of Pure Sacred Dewdrop 3 Old Operative's Pocket Watch 12 Transoceanic Pearl 8 mora 15,000
45 248 25%
50 266 26.8%
3 50 292 26.8% Sublimation of Pure Sacred Dewdrop 6 Operative's Standard Pocket Watch 6 Transoceanic Chunk 6 mora 20,000
55 309 28.6%
60 327 30.4%
4 60 353 30.4% Spring of Pure Sacred Dewdrop 3 Operative's Standard Pocket Watch 12 Transoceanic Chunk 9 mora 30,000
65 370 32.3%
70 388 34.1%
5 70 414 34.1% Spring of Pure Sacred Dewdrop 6 Operative's Constancy 9 Xenochromatic Crystal 6 mora 35,000
75 431 35.9%
80 449 37.7%
6 80 475 37.7% Essence of Pure Sacred Dewdrop 4 Operative's Constancy 18 Xenochromatic Crystal 12 mora 45,000
85 492 39.5%
90 510 41.3%

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