



A Rtawahist student who specializes in Theoretical Astrology. Heavily prone to somnambulism and locked in a grinding war with sleep deprivation, the problem of restful slumber is a most troubling one to her.

Talent Book




Mirror of Mushin

Ascension Materials

Shivada Jade Fragment
Perpetual Caliber
Nilotpala Lotus
Divining Scroll
ASC LVL HP ATK DEF CRIT Rate CRIT DMG HP% Ascension Materials
0 1 930 18 55 5% 50% 0%
20 2389 47 141 5% 50% 0%
1 20 3084 60 182 5% 50% 0% Shivada Jade Sliver 1 Nilotpala Lotus 3 Divining Scroll 3 mora 20,000
40 4619 90 273 5% 50% 0%
2 40 5113 100 302 5% 50% 6% Shivada Jade Fragment 3 Perpetual Caliber 2 Nilotpala Lotus 10 Divining Scroll 15 mora 40,000
50 5881 115 347 5% 50% 6%
3 50 6540 128 386 5% 50% 12% Shivada Jade Fragment 6 Perpetual Caliber 4 Nilotpala Lotus 20 Sealed Scroll 12 mora 60,000
60 7308 143 432 5% 50% 12%
4 60 7801 152 461 5% 50% 12% Shivada Jade Chunk 3 Perpetual Caliber 8 Nilotpala Lotus 30 Sealed Scroll 18 mora 80,000
70 8569 167 506 5% 50% 12%
5 70 9062 177 535 5% 50% 18% Shivada Jade Chunk 6 Perpetual Caliber 12 Nilotpala Lotus 45 Forbidden Curse Scroll 12 mora 100,000
80 9831 192 581 5% 50% 18%
6 80 10324 202 610 5% 50% 24% Shivada Jade Gemstone 6 Perpetual Caliber 20 Nilotpala Lotus 60 Forbidden Curse Scroll 24 mora 120,000
90 11092 217 655 5% 50% 24%


The goal of this build is to prioritize Layla's shield, and increase her damage where possible. Regarding Weapon Choices: Freedom-Sworn: This weapon can be a good option in teams where Layla can consistently trigger reactions. Regarding Artifact Choices: Blizzard Strayer (4) and Emblem of Severed Fate (4): These sets are primarily for increasing Layla's personal damage.



HP% / Energy Recharge


HP% / Cryo DMG


HP% / Crit Rate / DMG


1. HP%

2. Energy Recharge

3. Crit Rate / DMG






Key of Khaj-Nisut

Key of Khaj-Nisut


Primordial Jade Cutter

Primordial Jade Cutter


Favonius Sword

Favonius Sword





Harbinger of Dawn

Harbinger of Dawn


Community Character Builds by the Genshin Helper Team
Normal Attack: Sword of the Radiant Path

Normal Attack: Sword of the Radiant Path

Normal Attack
Performs up to 3 rapid strikes.

Charged Attack
Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to unleash 2 rapid sword strikes.

Plunging Attack
Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.

Nights of Formal Focus

Nights of Formal Focus

Puts forth a shield known as the Curtain of Slumber, dealing AoE Cryo DMG.
The Curtain of Slumber's DMG Absorption is based on Layla's Max HP and absorbs Cryo DMG with 250% effectiveness. When the shield is deployed, Layla will have Cryo applied to her briefly.

Night Stars and Shooting Stars
While the Curtain of Slumber is active, it will create 1 Night Star that will be attached to it every 1.5s. When a character protected by this shield uses an Elemental Skill, 2 Night Stars will be created. Night Stars can be created once every 0.3s in this way. A maximum of 4 Night Stars can be accumulated at any one time.
Once the Curtain of Slumber has accumulated 4 Night Stars and there are opponents nearby, these Night Stars will transform into homing Shooting Stars that will be fired off in sequence, dealing Cryo DMG to any opponents hit.
If the Curtain of Slumber's duration ends or it is destroyed, the Night Stars will disappear. If they are already being fired off as Shooting Stars, these Shooting Stars will last until this wave of shots ends.

New Night Stars cannot be created until the previous wave of Shooting Stars has been fired completely.

"She and I are like two master artisans who have never met, yet who sit at the same cushioned seat, embroidering the same dream-flower."

Dream of the Star-Stream Shaker

Dream of the Star-Stream Shaker

Unleashes a Celestial Dreamsphere that constantly fires Starlight Slugs at opponents within its AoE, dealing Cryo DMG.
When a Starlight Slug hits, it will generate 1 Night Star for nearby Curtains of Slumber. Each Curtain of Slumber can gain 1 Night Star this way every 0.5s.

"Sleep now, sleep now; and may many destinies be revealed before your slumbering eyes, within your star-paved dreams."

Passive Talents

Like Nascent Light

Like Nascent Light

While the Curtain of Slumber is active, the Deep Sleep effect will activate each time the Curtain gains 1 Night Star:
- The Shield Strength of a character under the effect of the Curtain of Slumber increases by 6%.
- This effect can have a maximum of 4 stacks and persists until the Curtain of Slumber disappears.

Sweet Slumber Undisturbed

Sweet Slumber Undisturbed

The DMG dealt by the Shooting Stars fired by Nights of Formal Focus is increased by 1.5% of Layla's Max HP.

Shadowy Dream-Signs

Shadowy Dream-Signs

When Layla crafts Character Talent Materials, she has a 10% chance to receive double the product.

Fortress of Fantasy

Fortress of Fantasy

The Shield Absorption of the Curtain of Slumber generated by Nights of Formal Focus is increased by 20%.
Additionally, when unleashing Nights of Formal Focus, she will generate a shield for any nearby party members who are not being protected by a Curtain of Slumber. This shield will have 35% of the absorption of a Curtain of Slumber, will last for 12s, and will absorb Cryo DMG with 250% effectiveness.

Light's Remit

Light's Remit

When Shooting Stars from Nights of Formal Focus strike opponents, they will each restore 1 Energy to Layla. Each Shooting Star can restore Energy to her in this manner once.

Secrets of the Night

Secrets of the Night

Increases the Level of Nights of Formal Focus by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Starry Illumination

Starry Illumination

When Nights of Formal Focus starts to fire off Shooting Stars, it will grant all nearby party members the Dawn Star effect, causing their Normal and Charged Attack DMG to increase based on 5% of Layla's Max HP.
Dawn Star can last up to 3s and will be removed 0.05s after dealing Normal or Charged Attack DMG.

Stream of Consciousness

Stream of Consciousness

Increases the Level of Dream of the Star-Stream Shaker by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Radiant Soulfire

Radiant Soulfire

Shooting Stars from Nights of Formal Focus deal 40% increased DMG, and Starlight Slugs from Dream of the Star-Stream Shaker deal 40% increased DMG.
Additionally, the interval between the creation of Night Stars via Nights of Formal Focus is decreased by 20%.

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