



A young knight born to an ordinary family. He serves as a Front-Line Surveyor in his Company. He is a low-key and cautious character.

Talent Book




Mirror of Mushin

Ascension Materials

Shivada Jade Fragment
Recruit's Insignia
ASC LVL HP ATK DEF CRIT Rate CRIT DMG HP% Ascension Materials
0 1 1049 19 60 5% 50% 0%
20 2694 48 154 5% 50% 0%
1 20 3477 62 198 5% 50% 0% Shivada Jade Sliver 1 Wolfhook 3 Recruit's Insignia 3 mora 20,000
40 5208 93 297 5% 50% 0%
2 40 5765 103 329 5% 50% 6% Shivada Jade Fragment 3 Pseudo-Stamens 2 Wolfhook 10 Recruit's Insignia 15 mora 40,000
50 6631 118 378 5% 50% 6%
3 50 7373 131 420 5% 50% 12% Shivada Jade Fragment 6 Pseudo-Stamens 4 Wolfhook 20 Sergeant's Insignia 12 mora 60,000
60 8239 147 470 5% 50% 12%
4 60 8796 157 502 5% 50% 12% Shivada Jade Chunk 3 Pseudo-Stamens 8 Wolfhook 30 Sergeant's Insignia 18 mora 80,000
70 9661 172 551 5% 50% 12%
5 70 10217 182 583 5% 50% 18% Shivada Jade Chunk 6 Pseudo-Stamens 12 Wolfhook 45 Lieutenant's Insignia 12 mora 100,000
80 11083 198 632 5% 50% 18%
6 80 11640 208 664 5% 50% 24% Shivada Jade Gemstone 6 Pseudo-Stamens 20 Wolfhook 60 Lieutenant's Insignia 24 mora 120,000
90 12506 223 713 5% 50% 24%


is a placeholder section, finalized information will be added soon** Prioritize Mika's Burst if you value healing



Energy Recharge / HP%




Healing Bonus / Crit Rate%


1. Energy Recharge

2. HP%

3. Flat HP





Community Character Builds by the Genshin Helper Team
Normal Attack: Spear of Favonius - Arrow's Passage

Normal Attack: Spear of Favonius - Arrow's Passage

Normal Attack
Performs up to 5 consecutive strikes using his crossbow and spear.

Charged Attack
Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to lunge forward, dealing damage to opponents along the way.

Plunging Attack
Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.

Starfrost Swirl

Starfrost Swirl

Mika uses his crossbow to attack, granting all nearby characters in your party Soulwind. When characters in the Soulwind state are on the field, their ATK SPD will be increased.
Will take effect in different ways if Tapped or Held.

Fires a Flowfrost Arrow that can pierce through opponents, dealing Cryo DMG to enemies it comes into contact with.

Goes into Aiming Mode, locking on to an opponent and firing a Rimestar Flare at them, dealing Cryo DMG. When the Rimestar Flare hits, it will rise before exploding, launching Rimestar Shards into a maximum of 3 other opponents, dealing Cryo DMG.

Stars burst 'neath the frosted skies.

Skyfeather Song

Skyfeather Song

Derives the ability to spur his teammates on from the recited prayers of the knightly order, regenerating HP for all nearby party members. This healing is based on Mika's Max HP and will grant them the Eagleplume state.

When the Normal Attacks of active characters affected by Eagleplume hit an opponent, Mika will help them regenerate HP based on his Max HP.
Characters affected by this state can only regenerate HP in this way once per short interval of time.

"Carry hope when in dire straits, and keep vigil when all is well... For that pure white plume shall at last guide the lost wayfarers."

Passive Talents

Suppressive Barrage

Suppressive Barrage

Per the following circumstances, the Soulwind state caused by Starfrost Swirl will grant characters the Detector effect, increasing their Physical DMG by 10% when they are on the field.
- If the Flowfrost Arrow hits more than one opponent, each additional opponent hit will generate 1 Detector stack.
- When a Rimestar Shard hits an opponent, it will generate 1 Detector stack. Each Rimestar Shard can trigger the effect 1 time.

The Soulwind state can have a maximum of 3 Detector stacks, and if Starfrost Swirl is cast again during this duration, the pre-existing Soulwind state and all its Detector stacks will be cleared.

Topographical Mapping

Topographical Mapping

When an active character affected by both Skyfeather Song's Eagleplume and Starfrost Swirl's Soulwind at once scores a CRIT Hit with their attacks, Soulwind will grant them 1 stack of Detector from Suppressive Barrage. During a single instance of Soulwind, 1 Detector stack can be gained in this manner.
Additionally, the maximum number of stacks that can be gained through Soulwind alone is increased by 1.
Requires Suppressive Barrage to be unlocked first.



Displays the location of nearby resources unique to Mondstadt on the mini-map.

Factor Confluence

Factor Confluence

The Soulwind state of Starfrost Swirl can decrease the healing interval between instances caused by Skyfeather Song's Eagleplume state. This decrease percentage is equal to the ATK SPD increase provided by Soulwind.

Companion's Ingress

Companion's Ingress

When Starfrost Swirl's Flowfrost Arrow first hits an opponent, or its Rimestar Flare hits an opponent, 1 Detector stack from Passive Talent "Suppressive Barrage" will be generated.
You must have unlocked the Passive Talent "Suppressive Barrage" first.

Reconnaissance Experience

Reconnaissance Experience

Increases the Level of Skyfeather Song by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Sunfrost Encomium

Sunfrost Encomium

When Mika's own Skyfeather Song's Eagleplume state heals party members, this will restore 3 Energy to Mika. This form of Energy restoration can occur 5 times during the Eagleplume state created by 1 use of Skyfeather Song.

Signal Arrow

Signal Arrow

Increases the Level of Starfrost Swirl by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Companion's Counsel

Companion's Counsel

The maximum number of Detector stacks that Starfrost Swirl's Soulwind can gain is increased by 1. You need to have unlocked the Passive Talent "Suppressive Barrage" first.
Additionally, active characters affected by Soulwind will deal 60% more Physical CRIT DMG.

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