



A pint-sized ninja attached to the Shuumatsuban, who always seems sleep-deprived.

Talent Book




Gilded Scale

Ascension Materials

Vayuda Turquoise Fragment
Marionette Core
Crystal Marrow
Whopperflower Nectar
ASC LVL HP ATK DEF CRIT Rate CRIT DMG Elemental Mastery Ascension Materials
0 1 994 20 62 5% 50% 0
20 2553 53 160 5% 50% 0
1 20 3296 68 207 5% 50% 0 Vayuda Turquoise Sliver 1 Crystal Marrow 3 Whopperflower Nectar 3 mora 20,000
40 4937 102 310 5% 50% 0
2 40 5464 113 343 5% 50% 24 Vayuda Turquoise Fragment 3 Marionette Core 2 Crystal Marrow 10 Whopperflower Nectar 15 mora 40,000
50 6285 130 395 5% 50% 24
3 50 6988 144 439 5% 50% 48 Vayuda Turquoise Fragment 6 Marionette Core 4 Crystal Marrow 20 Shimmering Nectar 12 mora 60,000
60 7809 161 491 5% 50% 48
4 60 8337 172 524 5% 50% 48 Vayuda Turquoise Chunk 3 Marionette Core 8 Crystal Marrow 30 Shimmering Nectar 18 mora 80,000
70 9157 189 575 5% 50% 48
5 70 9684 200 608 5% 50% 72 Vayuda Turquoise Chunk 6 Marionette Core 12 Crystal Marrow 45 Energy Nectar 12 mora 100,000
80 10505 216 660 5% 50% 72
6 80 11033 227 693 5% 50% 96 Vayuda Turquoise Gemstone 6 Marionette Core 20 Crystal Marrow 60 Energy Nectar 24 mora 120,000
90 11854 244 745 5% 50% 96


Sayu does more damage with EM builds and heals more with ATK hybrid builds, Healing Bonus circlet's can be used for better heals while maintaining respectable damage. Note that Sayu wants a large amount of Energy Recharge when used as the only Anemo slot on the team. Regarding Weapon Choices: Wolf's Gravestone: This is a universal claymore that is capable of buffing your teammates along with providing more healing in Sayu's case. It is best used once you achieve your ER threshold. Forest Regalia: When used in its niche with aggravate teams it can outpeform Katsuragikiri Nagamasa. Outside of that its just a Energy Recharge% stat stick. Regarding Artifact Sets: Viridescent Venerer (4): The bread and butter artifact set for Anemo units, this set provides the ability to shred the enemy's elemental resistance while also buffing Sayu's Swirl damage output.


Use hold Skill then immediately press it to generate more particles.



Energy Recharge / Elemental Mastery


Elemental Mastery / ATK%


Healing Bonus / Elemental Mastery


1. Energy Recharge

2. Elemental Mastery

3. ATK%






Wolf's Gravestone

Wolf's Gravestone


Favonius Greatsword

Favonius Greatsword


Katsuragikiri Nagamasa

Katsuragikiri Nagamasa


Sacrificial Greatsword

Sacrificial Greatsword


Forest Regalia

Forest Regalia





Bloodtainted Greatsword

Bloodtainted Greatsword

Community Character Builds by the Genshin Helper Team
Normal Attack: Shuumatsuban Ninja Blade

Normal Attack: Shuumatsuban Ninja Blade

Normal Attack
Performs up to 4 consecutive strikes.

Charged Attack
Drains Stamina over time to perform continuous spinning attacks against all nearby opponents.
At the end of the sequence, perform a more powerful slash.

Plunging Attack
Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.

Yoohoo Art: Fuuin Dash

Yoohoo Art: Fuuin Dash

The special technique of the Yoohoo Ninja Arts!
Sayu curls up into a rolling Fuufuu Windwheel and smashes into opponents at high speed, dealing Anemo DMG. When the duration ends, she unleashes a Fuufuu Whirlwind Kick, dealing AoE Anemo DMG.

Enters the Fuufuu Windwheel state, rolling forward a short distance before using the Fuufuu Whirlwind Kick.

Rolls about continuously in the Fuufuu Windwheel state, increasing Sayu's resistance to interruption while within that state.
During this time, Sayu can control the direction of her roll, and can use the skill again to end her Windwheel state early and unleash a stronger version of the Fuufuu Whirlwind Kick.
The Hold version of this skill can trigger Elemental Absorption.

This skill has a maximum duration of 10s and enters CD once its effects end. The longer Sayu remains in her Windwheel state, the longer the CD.

Elemental Absorption
If Sayu comes into contact with Hydro/Pyro/Cryo/Electro while in her Windwheel state, she will deal additional elemental DMG of that type.
Elemental Absorption may only occur once per use of this skill.

Sayu can pull this skill off with her eyes closed. This technique was originally created for escaping, but now that she's got a Vision, might as well make her foes eat dirt while she's at it.

Yoohoo Art: Mujina Flurry

Yoohoo Art: Mujina Flurry

The other super special technique of the Yoohoo Ninja Arts! It summons a pair of helping hands for Sayu.
Deals Anemo DMG to nearby opponents and heals all nearby party members. The amount of HP restored is based on Sayu's ATK. This skill then summons a Muji-Muji Daruma.

Muji-Muji Daruma
At specific intervals, the Daruma will take one of several actions based on the situation around it:
- If the HP of nearby characters is above 70%, it will attack a nearby opponent, dealing Anemo DMG.
- If there are active characters with 70% or less HP nearby, it will heal the active character with the lowest percentage HP left. If there are no opponents nearby, it will heal active characters nearby even if they have 70% HP or more.

People who don't know the first thing about ninjutsu love to watch Sayu show off this skill, and some have tried to learn it from her. But Sayu just wants to sleep and not be disturbed.

Passive Talents

Someone More Capable

Someone More Capable

When Sayu triggers a Swirl reaction while active, she heals all your characters and nearby allies for 300 HP. She will also heal an additional 1.2 HP for every point of Elemental Mastery she has.
This effect can be triggered once every 2s.

No Work Today!

No Work Today!

The Muji-Muji Daruma created by Yoohoo Art: Mujina Flurry gains the following effects:
- When healing a character, it will also heal characters near that healed character for 20% the amount of HP.
- Increases the AoE of its attack against opponents.

Yoohoo Art: Silencer's Secret

Yoohoo Art: Silencer's Secret

When Sayu is in the party, your characters will not startle Crystalflies and certain other animals when getting near them.
Check the "Other" sub-category of the "Living Beings / Wildlife" section in the Archive for creatures this skill works on.

Multi-Task no Jutsu

Multi-Task no Jutsu

The Muji-Muji Daruma created by Yoohoo Art: Mujina Flurry will ignore HP limits and can simultaneously attack nearby opponents and heal characters.

Egress Prep

Egress Prep

Yoohoo Art: Fuuin Dash gains the following effects:
- DMG of Fuufuu Whirlwind Kick in Press Mode increased by 3.3%.
- Every 0.5s in the Fuufuu Windwheel state will increase the DMG of this Fuufuu Whirlwind Kick by 3.3%. The maximum DMG increase possible through this method is 66%.

Eh, the Bunshin Can Handle It

Eh, the Bunshin Can Handle It

Increases the Level of Yoohoo Art: Mujina Flurry by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Skiving: New and Improved

Skiving: New and Improved

Sayu recovers 1.2 Energy when she triggers a Swirl reaction.
This effect occurs once every 2s.

Speed Comes First

Speed Comes First

Increases the Level of Yoohoo Art: Fuuin Dash by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Sleep O'Clock

Sleep O'Clock

The Muji-Muji Daruma created by Sayu's Yoohoo Art: Mujina Flurry will now also benefit from her Elemental Mastery. Each point of Sayu's Elemental Mastery will produce the following effects:
- Increases the damage dealt by the Muji-Muji Daruma's attacks by 0.2% ATK. A maximum of 400% ATK can be gained via this method.
- Increases the HP restored by the Muji-Muji Daruma by 3. A maximum of 6,000 additional HP can be restored in this manner.

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