
Sacrificial Greatsword



A ceremonial greatsword that has become petrified over time. The trinkets on it are still visible. It grants the wielder the power to withstand the winds of time.


After damaging an opponent with an Elemental Skill, the skill has a 40%/50%/60%/70%/80% chance to end its own CD. Can only occur once every 30/26/22s/19/16ss.

Sacrificial Greatsword
ASC LVL Base ATK Energy Recharge Ascension Materials
0 1 44 6.7%
5 63 7.7%
10 83 9.1%
15 103 10.4%
20 119 11.8%
1 20 144 11.8% Boreal Wolf's Milk Tooth 3 Dead Ley Line Branch 3 Firm Arrowhead 2 mora 5,000
25 165 13.1%
30 185 14.5%
35 205 15.8%
40 226 17.2%
2 40 252 17.2% Boreal Wolf's Cracked Tooth 3 Dead Ley Line Branch 12 Firm Arrowhead 8 mora 15,000
45 273 18.5%
50 293 19.9%
3 50 319 19.9% Boreal Wolf's Cracked Tooth 6 Dead Ley Line Leaves 6 Sharp Arrowhead 6 mora 20,000
55 340 21.2%
60 361 22.6%
4 60 387 22.6% Boreal Wolf's Broken Fang 3 Dead Ley Line Leaves 12 Sharp Arrowhead 9 mora 30,000
65 408 23.9%
70 429 25.2%
5 70 455 25.2% Boreal Wolf's Broken Fang 6 Ley Line Sprouts 9 Weathered Arrowhead 6 mora 35,000
75 476 26.6%
80 497 27.9%
6 80 523 27.9% Boreal Wolf's Nostalgia 4 Ley Line Sprouts 18 Weathered Arrowhead 12 mora 45,000
85 544 29.3%
90 565 30.6%

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