



A well-known legal adviser active in Liyue Harbor. A brilliant young lady in whose veins runs the blood of an illuminated beast.

Talent Book




Bloodjade Branch

Ascension Materials

Agnidus Agate Fragment
Juvenile Jade
Noctilucous Jade
Treasure Hoarder Insignia
ASC LVL HP ATK DEF CRIT Rate CRIT DMG Pyro DMG Bonus Ascension Materials
0 1 784 20 49 5% 50% 0%
20 2014 52 126 5% 50% 0%
1 20 2600 67 163 5% 50% 0% Agnidus Agate Sliver 1 Noctilucous Jade 3 Treasure Hoarder Insignia 3 mora 20,000
40 3895 100 244 5% 50% 0%
2 40 4311 111 271 5% 50% 6% Agnidus Agate Fragment 3 Juvenile Jade 2 Noctilucous Jade 10 Treasure Hoarder Insignia 15 mora 40,000
50 4959 127 311 5% 50% 6%
3 50 5514 141 346 5% 50% 12% Agnidus Agate Fragment 6 Juvenile Jade 4 Noctilucous Jade 20 Silver Raven Insignia 12 mora 60,000
60 6161 158 387 5% 50% 12%
4 60 6578 169 413 5% 50% 12% Agnidus Agate Chunk 3 Juvenile Jade 8 Noctilucous Jade 30 Silver Raven Insignia 18 mora 80,000
70 7225 185 453 5% 50% 12%
5 70 7641 196 480 5% 50% 18% Agnidus Agate Chunk 6 Juvenile Jade 12 Noctilucous Jade 45 Golden Raven Insignia 12 mora 100,000
80 8289 213 520 5% 50% 18%
6 80 8705 223 546 5% 50% 24% Agnidus Agate Gemstone 6 Juvenile Jade 20 Noctilucous Jade 60 Golden Raven Insignia 24 mora 120,000
90 9352 240 587 5% 50% 24%

DPS Build 👍

Yanfei can have trouble trying to set up for her reaction DPS. Vaporize is generally the more consistent option and you need Xingqiu to make this work best. When running a Vaporize team with Xingqiu, 3 normal attacks into a charged attack (N1>N2>N3>C) is the safest and most reliable way to Vaporize your charged attacks. Make sure you're applying Hydro first before starting combos. Regarding Weapon Choices: Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds / Kagura's Verity: Bennett buff / Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayer's buff + Noblesse Oblige (4) will push Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds and Kagura's Verity ahead of Skyward Atlas and Memory of Dust. The Widsith: Note that with strong attack buffs like Bennett's Burst, an [R5] Widsith can outperform most [R1] 5-star weapons, with the exception of Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds. Dodoco Tales: On equal refinements, The Widsith is better than Dodoco Tales, but assuming it's [R5] Dodoco Tales vs [R1]-[R3] The Widsith, [R5] Dodoco Tales is better. Note that Bennett buff / Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayer's buff + Noblesse Oblige (4) buff may push Widsith and Solar Pearl above Dodoco Tales, even at low refinements. Regarding Artifact Sets: Shimenawa's Reminiscence (4): Yanfei will rarely have her burst up due to the 15 energy cost on the 4-piece effect, however she can instead maintain the 4-piece DMG buff over a longer duration, making this set a good alternative to the other options. Note that this set loses out on some value at higher constellations, as she can't get her [C4] effects without casting Burst. Gilded Dreams (4): Actually her BiS if used in a full Elemental Mastery build with a Overload team. Retracing Bolide (4): Running Yanfei with a shield character also allows you to make use of a full Retracing Bolide (4) as a placeholder until you're able to find a good Crimson Witch of Flames (4). Regarding Artifact Substats Priority: Energy Recharge is prioritized over Elemental Mastery here since she has an 80 energy burst cost while her skill is also not very efficient at generating particles for getting it back. A major source of your energy will be coming from enemies as well as potential Pyro batteries like Bennett, so be sure to have her pick the particles up as off-field characters only get 0.6x the value of the particles.


Yanfei's Ascension 4 Talent does a second hit after a Crit Charge Attack. This scales 80% of your ATK and can trigger reactions as well due to having a separate internal cooldown on its Pyro application.



ATK% / Elemental Mastery


Pyro DMG


Crit Rate / DMG


1. Crit Rate / DMG

2. ATK%

3. Energy Recharge

4. Elemental Mastery

5. Flat ATK


Normal Attack





Skyward Atlas

Skyward Atlas


Memory of Dust

Memory of Dust


Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds

Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds


Kagura's Verity

Kagura's Verity


The Widsith

The Widsith


Dodoco Tales

Dodoco Tales R5


Solar Pearl

Solar Pearl


Blackcliff Agate

Blackcliff Agate


Mappa Mare

Mappa Mare


Community Character Builds by the Genshin Helper Team
Normal Attack: Seal of Approval

Normal Attack: Seal of Approval

Normal Attack
Shoots fireballs that deal up to three counts of Pyro DMG.
When Yanfei's Normal Attacks hit enemies, they will grant her a single Scarlet Seal. Yanfei may possess a maximum of 3 Scarlet Seals, and each time this effect is triggered, the duration of currently possessed Scarlet Seals will refresh.
Each Scarlet Seal will decrease Yanfei's Stamina consumption and will disappear when she leaves the field.

Charged Attack
Consumes Stamina and all Scarlet Seals before dealing AoE Pyro DMG to opponents after a short casting time.
This Charged Attack's AoE and DMG will increase according to the amount of Scarlet Seals consumed.

Plunging Attack
Gathering the power of Pyro, Yanfei plunges towards the ground from mid-air, damaging all opponents in her path. Deals AoE Pyro DMG upon impact with the ground.

Signed Edict

Signed Edict

Summons blistering flames that deal AoE Pyro DMG.
Opponents hit by the flames will grant Yanfei the maximum number of Scarlet Seals.

Apart from their legal uses, Yanfei's seals also come with her customized additional terms and conditions. Well, it's not as if the Ministry of Civil Affairs can change the laws of nature.

Done Deal

Done Deal

Triggers a spray of intense flames that rush at nearby opponents, dealing AoE Pyro DMG, granting Yanfei the maximum number of Scarlet Seals, and applying Brilliance to her.

Has the following effects:
- Grants Yanfei a Scarlet Seal at fixed intervals.
- Increases the DMG dealt by her Charged Attacks.
The effects of Brilliance will end if Yanfei leaves the field or falls in battle.

"Here are the full terms for this matter of life and death — by which I mean my life and your death!"

Passive Talents



When Yanfei consumes Scarlet Seals by using a Charged Attack, each Scarlet Seal will increase Yanfei's Pyro DMG Bonus by 5%. This effects lasts for 6s. When a Charged Attack is used again during the effect's duration, it will dispel the previous effect.

Blazing Eye

Blazing Eye

When Yanfei's Charged Attack deals a CRIT Hit to opponents, she will deal an additional instance of AoE Pyro DMG equal to 80% of her ATK. This DMG counts as Charged Attack DMG.

Encyclopedic Expertise

Encyclopedic Expertise

Displays the location of nearby resources unique to Liyue on the mini-map.

The Law Knows No Kindness

The Law Knows No Kindness

When Yanfei uses her Charged Attack, each existing Scarlet Seal additionally reduces the stamina cost of this Charged Attack by 10% and increases resistance against interruption during its release.

Right of Final Interpretation

Right of Final Interpretation

Increases Yanfei's Charged Attack CRIT Rate by 20% against enemies below 50% HP.

Samadhi Fire-Forged

Samadhi Fire-Forged

Increases the Level of Signed Edict by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Supreme Amnesty

Supreme Amnesty

When Done Deal is used:
Creates a shield that absorbs up to 45% of Yanfei's Max HP for 15s.
This shield absorbs Pyro DMG 250% more effectively.

Abiding Affidavit

Abiding Affidavit

Increases the Level of Done Deal by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Extra Clause

Extra Clause

Increases the maximum number of Scarlet Seals by 1.

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