
Dodoco Tales


Midsummer Island Adventure Event

A children's book filled with childish short stories at which one cannot help but laugh.
Even those readers who have long reached adulthood cannot help but be absorbed by the innocent, naive little adventures portrayed within.


Normal Attack hits on opponents increase Charged Attack DMG by 16%/20%/24%/28%/32% for 6s. Charged Attack hits on opponents increase ATK by 8%/10%/12%/14%/16% for 6s.

Dodoco Tales
ASC LVL Base ATK ATK Ascension Materials
0 1 41 12%
5 57 13.9%
10 72 16.4%
15 87 18.8%
20 99 21.2%
1 20 125 21.2% Boreal Wolf's Milk Tooth 3 Dead Ley Line Branch 3 Damaged Mask 2 mora 5,000
25 140 23.6%
30 155 26.1%
35 169 28.5%
40 184 30.9%
2 40 210 30.9% Boreal Wolf's Cracked Tooth 3 Dead Ley Line Branch 12 Damaged Mask 8 mora 15,000
45 224 33.3%
50 238 35.7%
3 50 264 35.7% Boreal Wolf's Cracked Tooth 6 Dead Ley Line Leaves 6 Stained Mask 6 mora 20,000
55 278 38.2%
60 293 40.6%
4 60 319 40.6% Boreal Wolf's Broken Fang 3 Dead Ley Line Leaves 12 Stained Mask 9 mora 30,000
65 333 43%
70 347 45.4%
5 70 373 45.4% Boreal Wolf's Broken Fang 6 Ley Line Sprouts 9 Ominous Mask 6 mora 35,000
75 387 47.9%
80 401 50.3%
6 80 427 50.3% Boreal Wolf's Nostalgia 4 Ley Line Sprouts 18 Ominous Mask 12 mora 45,000
85 440 52.7%
90 454 55.1%

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