



The Spindrift Knight, a scion of the old aristocracy, and the Captain of the Knights of Favonius Reconnaissance Company. The reason for which a descendant of the ancient nobles might join the Knights remains a great mystery in Mondstadt to this very day.

Talent Book




Dragon Lord's Crown

Ascension Materials

Shivada Jade Fragment
Crystalline Bloom
Dandelion Seed
Damaged Mask
ASC LVL HP ATK DEF CRIT Rate CRIT DMG Ascension Materials
0 1 1030 27 58 5% 50%
20 2671 69 152 5% 50%
1 20 3554 92 202 5% 50% Shivada Jade Sliver 1 Dandelion Seed 3 Damaged Mask 3 mora 20,000
40 5317 138 302 5% 50%
2 40 5944 154 337 5% 59.6% Shivada Jade Fragment 3 Crystalline Bloom 2 Dandelion Seed 10 Damaged Mask 15 mora 40,000
50 6839 177 388 5% 59.6%
3 50 7675 198 436 5% 69.2% Shivada Jade Fragment 6 Crystalline Bloom 4 Dandelion Seed 20 Stained Mask 12 mora 60,000
60 8579 222 487 5% 69.2%
4 60 9207 238 523 5% 69.2% Shivada Jade Chunk 3 Crystalline Bloom 8 Dandelion Seed 30 Stained Mask 18 mora 80,000
70 10119 262 574 5% 69.2%
5 70 10746 278 610 5% 78.8% Shivada Jade Chunk 6 Crystalline Bloom 12 Dandelion Seed 45 Ominous Mask 12 mora 100,000
80 11669 302 662 5% 78.8%
6 80 12296 318 698 5% 88.4% Shivada Jade Gemstone 6 Crystalline Bloom 20 Dandelion Seed 60 Ominous Mask 24 mora 120,000
90 13226 342 751 5% 88.4%

DPS Build 👍

Eula's weapon rankings assume that you're running her with a Cryo battery (i.e. Diona) instead of Bennett. She would usually need Energy Recharge from substats depending on what team and Cryo batteries you use. Eula's Elemental Burst does not snapshot. This means that any buffs Eula has upon casting Burst will not be taken into effect if the buff duration expires before the Lightfall Sword hits. Regarding Weapon Choice: Redhorn Stonethresher: This weapon can overtake Wolf's Gravestone in terms of Eula's own damage if team provides enough ATK% buffs, but Wolf's Gravestone can make up the damage difference by buffing team damage. Skyward Pride: This weapon is more forgiving towards ER substats. If there is a Cryo battery unit in your team (Diona with Sacrificial Bow or Kaeya with Favonius Sword) or if your team generates enough particles on their own, Skyward Pride loses effectiveness compared to the above options. Akuoumaru: This weapon will outperform Luxurious Sea-Lord at higher refinements. Regarding Artifact Sets: Pale Flame (4): This is Eula's optimal artifact set and it relies on having a condition fulfilled in order to outperform Pale Flame (2) Bloodstained Chivalry (2). If you are able to sustain the conditional buff, you will be able to achieve a 50% Physical DMG Bonus + 18% ATK. Without using your Elemental Burst, you can sustain the Pale Flame's 4 piece set bonus because each stack lasts 7s and it refreshes per stack, and Eula's Elemental Skill cooldown is only 4 seconds when doing 1-taps, therefore you can keep the condition up. When using this set, it is recommended to not use Hold Skill cast until your Lightfall Sword is nearly about to end. This restriction is only for players who don't have Eula [C2+]. Please visit the Ability Tips for her combo. Pale Flame (2) Bloodstained Chivalry (2): This is a non-conditional, consistent artifact set that provides you a constant 50% Physical DMG bonus. While that by itself is amazing, Pale Flame (4) can outperform this set because it also has another 18% ATK buff and is easily maintained through her low tap skill cooldown.


Normal combo while no Burst: NA Spam > Tap Skill > NA Spam > Tap Skill Burst combo: Tap Skill > Burst > 4 NA > Hold Skill > 4 NA Burst combo that generates more energy at the cost of slightly less DPS: Tap Skill > Burst > Tap Skill > 4 NA > Dash Cancel > 2 NA > Hold Skill > 2 NA *NA = Normal Attack





Physical DMG


Crit Rate / DMG


1. Crit Rate / DMG

2. Energy Recharge

3. ATK%

4. Flat ATK


Normal Attack = Burst




Song of Broken Pines

Song of Broken Pines


Wolf's Gravestone

Wolf's Gravestone


Redhorn Stonethresher

Redhorn Stonethresher


The Unforged

The Unforged


Skyward Pride

Skyward Pride


Serpent Spine

Serpent Spine


Luxurious Sea-Lord

Luxurious Sea-Lord R5



Akuoumaru R1


Blackcliff Slasher

Blackcliff Slasher


Lithic Blade

Lithic Blade


Prototype Archaic

Prototype Archaic


Snow-Tombed Starsilver

Snow-Tombed Starsilver


Skyrider Greatsword

Skyrider Greatsword R5


Community Character Builds by the Genshin Helper Team
Normal Attack: Favonius Bladework - Edel

Normal Attack: Favonius Bladework - Edel

Normal Attack
Perform up to 5 consecutive strikes.

Charged Attack
Drains Stamina over time to perform continuous slashes.
At the end of the sequence, perform a more powerful slash.

Plunging Attack
Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.

Icetide Vortex

Icetide Vortex

Sharp frost, swift blade.

Slashes swiftly, dealing Cryo DMG.
When it hits an opponent, Eula gains a stack of Grimheart that stacks up to 2 times. These stacks can only be gained once every 0.3s.

Increases Eula's resistance to interruption and DEF.

Wielding her sword, Eula consumes all the stacks of Grimheart and lashes forward, dealing AoE Cryo DMG to opponents in front of her.
If Grimheart stacks are consumed, surrounding opponents will have their Physical RES and Cryo RES decreased.
Each consumed stack of Grimheart will be converted into an Icewhirl Brand that deals Cryo DMG to nearby opponents.

"So the waves roiled, swallowing the crown of the nobles. And ever after did each drop amidst the icy waves reflect a golden crown, each and every droplet of the spray shining with its light."

Glacial Illumination

Glacial Illumination

Brandishes her greatsword, dealing Cryo DMG to nearby opponents and creating a Lightfall Sword that follows her around for a duration of up to 7s.
While present, the Lightfall Sword increases Eula's resistance to interruption. When Eula's own Normal Attack, Elemental Skill, and Elemental Burst deal DMG to opponents, they will charge the Lightfall Sword, which can gain an energy stack once every 0.1s.
Once its duration ends, the Lightfall Sword will descend and explode violently, dealing Physical DMG to nearby opponents.
This DMG scales on the number of energy stacks the Lightfall Sword has accumulated.
If Eula leaves the field, the Lightfall Sword will explode immediately.

It is easy to sink. But even so, she desires to freeze this oncoming tide.

Passive Talents

Roiling Rime

Roiling Rime

If 2 stacks of Grimheart are consumed upon unleashing the Holding Mode of Icetide Vortex, a Shattered Lightfall Sword will be created that will explode immediately, dealing 50% of the basic Physical DMG dealt by a Lightfall Sword created by Glacial Illumination.

Wellspring of War-Lust

Wellspring of War-Lust

When Glacial Illumination is cast, the CD of Icetide Vortex is reset and Eula gains 1 stack of Grimheart.

Aristocratic Introspection

Aristocratic Introspection

When Eula crafts Character Talent Materials, she has a 10% chance to receive double the product.

Tidal Illusion

Tidal Illusion

Every time Icetide Vortex's Grimheart stacks are consumed, Eula's Physical DMG is increased by 30% for 6s.
Each stack consumed will increase the duration of this effect by 6s up to a maximum of 18s.

Lady of Seafoam

Lady of Seafoam

Decreases the CD of Icetide Vortex's Holding Mode, rendering it identical to Press CD.

Lawrence Pedigree

Lawrence Pedigree

Increases the Level of Glacial Illumination by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.

The Obstinacy of One's Inferiors

The Obstinacy of One's Inferiors

Lightfall Swords deal 25% increased DMG against opponents with less than 50% HP.

Chivalric Quality

Chivalric Quality

Increases the Level of Icetide Vortex by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Noble Obligation

Noble Obligation

Lightfall Swords created by Glacial Illumination start with 5 stacks of energy. Normal Attacks, Elemental Skills, and Elemental Bursts have a 50% chance to grant the Lightfall Sword an additional stack of energy.

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