
Amos' Bow



An extremely ancient bow that has retained its power despite its original master being long gone. It draws power from everyone and everything in the world, and the further away you are from that which your heart desires, the more powerful it is.


Increases Normal and Charged Attack DMG by 12%/15%/18%/21%/24%. After a Normal or Charged Attack is fired, DMG dealt increases by a further 8%/10%/12%/14%/16% every 0.1s the arrow is in the air for up to 5 times.

Amos' Bow
ASC LVL Base ATK ATK Ascension Materials
0 1 46 10.8%
5 66 12.5%
10 86 14.7%
15 106 16.9%
20 122 19.1%
1 20 153 19.1% Fetters of the Dandelion Gladiator 5 Chaos Device 5 Slime Condensate 3 mora 10,000
25 173 21.3%
30 194 23.4%
35 214 25.6%
40 235 27.8%
2 40 266 27.8% Chains of the Dandelion Gladiator 5 Chaos Device 18 Slime Condensate 12 mora 20,000
45 287 30%
50 308 32.2%
3 50 340 32.2% Chains of the Dandelion Gladiator 9 Chaos Circuit 9 Slime Secretions 9 mora 30,000
55 361 34.4%
60 382 36.5%
4 60 414 36.5% Shackles of the Dandelion Gladiator 5 Chaos Circuit 18 Slime Secretions 14 mora 45,000
65 435 38.7%
70 457 40.9%
5 70 488 40.9% Shackles of the Dandelion Gladiator 9 Chaos Core 14 Slime Concentrate 9 mora 55,000
75 510 43.1%
80 532 45.3%
6 80 563 45.3% Dream of the Dandelion Gladiator 6 Chaos Core 27 Slime Concentrate 18 mora 65,000
85 586 47.4%
90 608 49.6%

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